To deliver our mission, we need to be part of a broad coalition of organisations and people, identifying challenges and opportunities to address barriers, together.
We’re building on a strong sense of social justice, shared by people in Wales. We can learn from and expand upon great examples of involvement and collaboration between public, private and community sectors.
We want to work with you. In Wales, we have a history of social collaboration and engagement, which Trydan appreciates and will continue. In our view, for people to support more and faster deployment, the renewable sector will need to visibly embed benefits into local communities, invest more in Welsh and UK supply chains, and help residents and businesses worried about energy bills.
YOU first! and Gwefr – charge up on news about you and Trydan
Over July to September, 2024, we ran an interactive, accessible survey. We called the survey “YOU first!” because from the start, we want to understand what’s important to people in Wales when it comes to the renewable energy projects needed to power society and light up our lives. We are happy and grateful for the fantastic response - more than 2,350 adults of all ages from across Wales took part, voting and giving their views. To everyone who took part – thanks and well done! We have been studying the responses and are publishing our first edition of “Gwefr” [Charge], describing some of the feedback we received. In Gwefr, we also consider why your views are so important to Trydan’s work and how we’ll take your views on board. As we look to share more about our development work with you in 2025, we will explore the topic of benefits that renewable energy projects delivered by Trydan will bring in more detail. The data you have given us is a valuable resource, we will draw on it and ask you to help us understand better the topics you raise, for quite some time. Thank-you! Diolch yn fawr! Download GWEFR here. We hope you enjoy the read.
Gwefr - Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru newsletter 1 December 2024
YOU first! summary report
For a summary of the YOU first! results received, we are sharing the report compiled by Give my View Ltd., who hosted the survey on our behalf.
GMV Summary report YOU-First!